When I have a slicer with just two options, I can select one (slicer itself works fine), but the drop down shows the opposite and so it looks like I have the other one selected, when in fact I don't. Most of my slicers have the 'Select All' option On and the 'Single Select' option Off.I have created a pivot table and attached a pivot chart then added 2 slicers, all works well, but my boss uses Excel for AppleMac, the Pivot table works fine on his report but the slicers do not work.There are several ways that you can filter an Excel Slicer. A slicer will be created for every field that you selected. In the Insert Slicers dialog box, select the check boxes for the fields you want to display, then select OK. Excel Slicers are the best thing since sliced bread! They are a new feature from Excel 2010 onward and Mac for Excel 2016 and are visual buttons that shows you what items have been filtered or selected in a Pivot Table. Click anywhere in the table or PivotTable. Different Ways to Filter an Excel Slicer. Once I deleted this slicer, all of the values that I expected appeared.

I found that there was a hidden slicer that was preventing me from seeing all of the values in the slicer I was trying to create. Clicking the View tab at the top of the window Checking the Selection Pane box Clicking through each 'Slicer' in the selection pane.